

A naturopathic doctor (and BC Naturopathic Association member) is offering free pap tests at The Birch Tree and South Delta Midwifery in Ladner, BC. Dr. Lisa Ghent explains why on her Facebook page:

“I have lived in Ladner for almost 2 years now, and I love this community, but it makes me desperately sad how short of family doctors this area is. So as my way of giving back, I am going to run regular Pap clinics where those of you without a family doctor can come in to at least make sure you able to have this vitally important test done on the recommended schedule. There will be no charge for these appointments, though I will be collecting donations (optional) for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, a cause very near and dear to my heart. And because I believe that having a Pap shouldn’t be a procedure to dread, there will be tea to sip and snacks to eat while you wait.”

Free Pap Tests – How to Book

This clinic is obviously in demand because the first one was completely booked before we had a chance to get it up on the BCNA blog!

If you’d like to be placed on a waiting list for the next event, please contact Dr. Ghent at the email below or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter to see announcements for clinic dates.


*PS – You don’t have to be one of Dr. Ghent’s patients to make an appointment for a Pap test. This is a public service her clinic is offering the women of South Delta.