SCIMEDICA Health Group is celebrating Naturopathic Medicine Week with a clinic Open House and FREE METABOLIC TESTING.

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Join Dr. Adrian Yeong and Dr. Victor Chan on Wednesday May 11 between 3-6pm. You will learn about how to detect some common metabolic imbalances in your body and the naturopathic medical approaches to treating them. Stay for free testing, Q&A with the doctors, and a fascinating presentation that will make you think twice about the water that you drink.


*Free metabolic urine testing (normally $105) includes:

  • Urine dipstick analysis
    • General screen of kidney function, glucose handling, hydration, and acidity
  • Koenigsberg test
    • Assess sub-clinical stages of low adrenal function
  • Oberymeyer (Urinary Indican) test
    • Detection of intestinal toxemia and overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria due to incomplete protein digestion

Our facility is wheelchair-accessible. This event is ideal for the whole family.

Space for free testing is limited so please book ahead by calling the SCIMEDICA Health Group clinic at 604-541-8811.

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