Margret Holland, ND
Margret Holland, ND
3833 Sunset Street
Burnaby, BC V5G 1T4 604-438-8326604-438-8326
Margret Holland, ND

Certifications: Acupuncture, Chelation

 Dr. Holland has completed a four year under-graduate programme obtaining her B.Sc. in Biology from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia.  She received her post-graduate training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Ontario.  Upon completion of her four year post-graduate training, she was honoured with the Terra Homeopathy Award for Proficiency in Homeopathy for her ability and passion for medicine. 

Over the years of private practice, Dr. Holland has developed a special interest in treating chronic pain.  Her methods of treatment include deep tissue massage and advanced acupuncture techniques.  She has also gone on to take certification in chelation therapy and has pharmaceutical prescribing authority.

Dr. Holland is also on staff at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine where she acts as a clnic supervisor to 3rd and 4th year naturopathic doctor candidates.  On occasion she also teaches classes in advanced homeopathic medicine.

Dr. Holland looks forward to treating you and your family, working in conjunction with your Medical Doctor to help you obtain optimal health.